Beer List
Below is a list of Beers that can be made in store at Jakes,
Homebrewers checkout our Supplies page for a list of recipe kits

All beers take 2
Weeks to produce
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New Brews
Locally Brewed Craft Beers
now available at Jakes !!
Blonde Ale *All Grain*Crisp, clean delicious Ale. Easy drinking brew with
little hop bitterness and a beautiful golden colour.
This house brew is here to stay
ABV = 5% IBU = 12
Brewed by G/L Heritage Brewing in Amherstburg Ontario
Available = March 25th while it lasts
Light Lager *All Grain* Light beer with a smooth, easy drinking feel
made by Windsor's newest brewery & their award winning brewer
ABV = 4.2% IBU = 7
Brewed by Erie Street Brewing Company in Windsor Ontario
Available = March 25th while it lasts
California Common *House Brew*- The California Common, or Steam Beer, is a hybrid style unique to the US. It's usually brewed with a special strain of lager yeast that works better at warmer (ale-like) temperatures. This method dates back to the late 1800's in California when refrigeration was a great luxury. One of the oldest
beer styles in the U.S. Smooth full flavoured Amber brew with little hop flavour and bitterness and delicious finish created by the brown sugar used in the brew
ABV = 5% IBU = 10
Best Sellers
MEXICAN LAGER *House Brew* - All the great taste of your favourite Mexican beer without the skunky taste. This light bodied pale lager comes out at 4.6% ABV. Great with a lime on a hot summers day.
Ultra Dry *All Grain*- This beer has turned into our #1 Best Seller!! Having an event, this is the beer your guests will be raving about. Light straw colour and low hop bitterness. Refreshing and thirst quenching. Similar to Michelob Ultra and Sleimans Clear
ABV=4.5% IBU = 9
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
Blonde *All Grain*- A yellow coloured, crisp beer with a genuine lager yeast. This is a true all-malt lager brewed with no adjuncts.
ABV = 5% IBU = 11
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
EURO *House Brew* - Classic Belgium lager with a great hop flavour. Similar to Stella Artois 5% ABV.
Jakes LAGER *House Brew*- Our best tasting 5% ABV lager beer. If you like to drink Canadian classic lagers you’ll love this one. It reflects the styles of Keiths and Canadian. It finishes smooth and is easy to drink
Classic Recipes
New Zealand Lager *House Brew*- 4.8% Well-Balanced Flavour. Experience the perfect harmony of hoppy notes and subtle malt sweetness, crafting a well-balanced beer that satisfies your taste buds.
Super Lager *House Brew* - If you like your beer with a little more kick you’ll enjoy the super lager. All the same great flavor of the regular lager but with more body, flavour and kick. Finishes at 6% ABV.
DRAFT *House Brew* - This is similar to everyone’s favourite draft beer MGD. At 5% ABV it is a real smooth and easy to drink draught. This is our best selling beer in a keg.
SASQUATCH LAGER *House Brew* -Made with only sasquatch hops grown by our friends at Redman Hop farm in Ruthven Ontario. We are proud to be brewing this clean 5% easy to drink lager. Think local, drink local.
Windsor Ale *All Grain*- A medium bodied North American ale style. Deep golden colour with a delicate hop aroma and flavour. A smooth and easy drinking beer style. Similar to Windsor's
favourite beer on tap.
ABV = 4.7% IBU = 13
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = May 1st
Amber *House Brew* -A delicious year round brew that is medium bodied, lightly hopped with a malty finish and a nice rich amber/copper colour. A well balanced brew with a 5% ABV.
Japanese Lager *House Brew*- This golden coloured Japanese lager is a great easy drinking warm weather favourite . If you like to drink Sapporo you will love this 5% ABV lager.
Golden Ale- Crisp, clean delicious Ale. Easy drinking brew with
little hop bitterness and a beautiful golden colour.
This house brew is here to stay
ABV = 5% IBU = 12
Summer Favourites
available yearound
Light Lime *House Brew* Our classic light lager with a hint of Lime. Similar to Bud Light Lime.

Ginger *All Grain* We use only fresh ginger when making this brew. A must try! 4.5% ABV. This beer is unfiltered to hold the great flavour
Radler *All Grain*A great summer favourite, this light beer has the refreshing taste of grapefruit added to it. 4.5%. This is a seasonal brew.
Cerveza *All Grain*-A very light coloured lager with a crisp mouthfeel. A highly refreshing and clean tasting summer beer.
Similar to Modelo 5%
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = Early spring
White Beer *All Grain*-Made with coriander and orange peel, this summer brew is similar to Rickards white or Blue Moon. Serve with a slice of orange on a hot summers day. 5% ABV.
Pina Colada Pilsner *House Brew*-Lots of coconut
flavour in this poolside beer 5% ABV.
Summer Shandy *House Brew*- Great summer beer with a hint of lemonade added, similar to Leinenkgals, a great lawnmower beer 4.5% ABV
Cherry Blonde *All Grain* 5% beer, with the refreshing taste of all
natural Cherry
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
European Styles
Pale Ale *All Grain* - English style pale ale. This beer has pleasant flavours and aromas of fresh finishing hops, which balance well with a bready malt profile. ABV = 5.2% IBU = 25
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
Dutch Lager *House Brew*- This globally popular beer reflects the styles of Grolsch and Heineken. It's a crisp golden lager with a smooth spicy hoppiness. Crisp distinct and delicious, 5%abv.
Continental Pilsner *All Grain* - A balanced, well rounded, golden European style lager with a noticeable hop profile and all malt character.
ABV = 5.2% IBU = 23
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
Kolsch *All Grain*-Great German style summer brew.
Clean crisp and easy to drink.
5% abv.
Brewed by G/L Heritage Craft Brewery in Amherstbury
Available = March 25th
Polish Lager *House Brew*- 5.5% clean crisp lager, light in colour and great hoppy finish. jak sie masz.
Dark Brews

Irish Red *House Brew*- A wonderful light red brew made with brown sugar. A smooth and easy to drink brew with a 5% ABV.
Winter Ale *House Brew* - easy drinking brew that is amber to light
red in colour. Smooth and refreshing with a hint of
vanilla, 5% alcohol.
Oatmeal Stout *All Grain* - One of the best Stouts you will ever taste, seriously. Moderate to high hop bitterness combines well with a pleasant roast malt character, subtle malt sweetness and slight hop flavour. The addition of two types of oats leads to a creamy, robust mouth-feel and full texture.
ABV=5% IBU = 9
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Coffee Vanilla Stout *All Grain* - This great full bodied stout was the winning beer in Windsor Eats 'Masters of the Brewniverse competition!!! This delicious Stout is made with Vanilla, Coffee
ABV=5% IBU=9
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Brown Ale *All Grain* - A traditional, medium-bodied English style Brown Ale. Pleasantly roasted, mid-bodied malt profile with low hop flavour and aroma and moderate hop bitterness.
ABV=4.8% IBU=10
Sorry, sold out, available again soon
Hoppier Brews
New England IPA *All Grain*-This extremely juicy IPA is bursting at the seams with tropical and citrus hop flavour. This beer has less perceived bitterness than traditional IPAs, but has a huge amount of late hop additions which lends the ‘juicy’ character for which this style is known. Unfilterted to hold all that
great hop flavour.
Low bitterness but intense hop flavour and aroma. That's what this beer is all about.
ABV = 6.2% IBU = 40
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
West Coast IPA *All Grain*-One to please the hop lovers, this rich, full bodied golden ale is bursting with hop aroma and flavour. Citrus, pine and floral notes – in true West Coast style.
ABV = 6.5% IBU = 46
Brewed by Magnotta Craft Brewery
Available = End of April
Other Brews
Jalapeno *House Brew*I dare you to try it!! Light, crisp beer, fermented with 1 pound of Jalapenos, hope you like the bite.
Candy Cane *House Brew*-A Holiday tradition here at Jakes, like it or hate it, you have to try this lager brewed with Candy Canes, it has a minty finish *only available in December*
Hard Iced Tea *All Grain Priced* This 5% uncarbonated
Tea is similar to your commercial tea at a fraction
of the price. Available in cans or kegs.
Available May-September
Problems with your Kegerator???
It can be frustrating if your kegerator is constantly pouring foamy beer
or leaking CO2. We can help you fix that. We offer repairs in store,
through video chat and can also come to your place for a repair.
Contact us for pricing.
Note: We cannot fix refrigeration issues
Storing your beer
The beer that is made at Jakes is all natural and not pasteurized so we recommend that you keep your brew refrigerated at all times. It will keep for a short period unrefrigerated as long as it is still stored cool.

Packaging your Beer
You can bottle your beer in almost any style bottle. Bring in your own glass bottles, plastic bottles or purchase reusable plastic 500ml bottles from us.
Click here to checkout your bottle options.
We now also have the option to can your beer in "Tallboys" (473ml cans) on our premises using the Cask canning system.
We have caps and cappers to fit almost every style bottle and you never have to pay extra for caps. If you are going to save bottles for your beer please be sure to rinse them out right away as mold will grow quickly in your bottles.
We do have KEGS for you to put your beer in for parties, special events and home kegerators. We can also supply all the necessary equipment for dispensing your keg beer for your special event.
There is $50 deposit on both full kegs of beer and half kegs of beer.
We have hand pumps available to rent for no cost and a $50 refundable deposit if you get your kegs from Jakes. If you get your kegs elsewhere, we will rent you a hand pump for $60 and you will get $50 back when you return us the pump. There is a limited number of cooler systems available for dispensing kegs, please inquire for pricing and availability.
Jake's also sells complete home kegerator kits and parts which are all available in-store'.