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Beer Specials
$5 off half batch or
$10 off full batch
Irish Red or
New Zealand Lager

Wine Specials

$20 Off

Zinfandel/Shiraz or
both above wines are here while they last, are both dry & delicious
Regular price $154 tax included for 30 bottles

French Vieux Chateau du Roi, Australian Shiraz, Chilean Pinot Noir,
Sauvignon Blanc or
Big Sale
$20 Off
30 bottles
Regular price $184 tax included for 30 bottles

California Zinfandel
'full bodied dry red with skins'
Australian Sauv. Blanc.
Smooth premium dry white
Regular price $219 tax included for 30 bottles

Pinot Grigio Style
or Merlot
$5 off
Easy Drinking Light Bodied
wines with
lower calories and lower
alcohol, 10%
Regular price$124 tax included
California Dry Red & White
Always $114 tax included
$10 off 30 bottles or
$25 off 60 bottles
Black Cherry or
Regular price $129 tax included for 30 bottles

Sale $20 off!!
New Crisp Apple Cider
47 tallboy cans
only $69
Tax included

$5 off one batch

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